Split View in Virtual Tours : Ideal for Before and After comparisions

Comparing two views has always been a useful feature that have been used by some of the high end agencies and we wanted to make it super easy for anyone to create this with TeliportMe.com.

Last month we quietly released this feature that was picked up by a lot of users and we have made it better over the past 30 days so its responsive across all sizes.

This feature can be used in two ways.

Split View

Split view essentials creates a seamless transition between two panoramas with an adjustable slider that lets you adjust and move the view so you can have a great look at how things look like. This is ideal for before and after

Twin View

Twin view shows two panoramas side by side so you can compare them as you scroll through them. While its ideal to have the screen at 50:50 ; we have provided a way for you to resize the view window

Creating this is super easy and can be done with any of the paid subscriptions you have, below is a short demo on how to create this view and implement it.

Video tutorial
Thanks to Exsight360 for the example panoramas.